Оголтелые антисемитские акции в США приобретают все больший размах. Сотни мусульман и социалистов устроили "лежку протеста" в Вашингтоне, пытаясь помешать осуществлению "Журналистского ужина" (Correspondents' Dinner) в отеле "Хилтон".
Речь идет о банкете с участием политического руководства США и аккредитованных при Белом доме журналистов.
A protest expression by university students about the journalist martyrs in Gaza in front of the White House Correspondents' Dinner
— Mah Fa (@313wearethere) April 28, 2024
تعبير احتجاجي لطلبة الجامعات عن الشهداء الصحفيين في غزة أمام مقر حفل عشاء مراسلي البيت الأبيض pic.twitter.com/I0n2fHKk5X
Protestors dropped a Palestinian flag out of the window of the Washington Hilton Hotel, where the White House Correspondents' Dinner was being held last night. pic.twitter.com/bUgJiSyraj
— Global Watchman (@globalWatchman0) April 28, 2024
Equipos SWAT fuertemente armados fueron llamados a los campamentos de la Universidad de Indiana en Bloomington en solidaridad con Gaza y denunciando el genocidio israelí.#Genocide_in_Gaza #SionismoGenocida #Netanyahou_A_criminal_of_war #PalestinaLibre pic.twitter.com/iumHnPIohe
— César Gallardo Álvarez (@CsarGallardolv1) April 28, 2024
This time, Indiana State Police made targeted arrests against vocal pro-Palestinian speakers. This isn’t about a fake rule they just passed, this is open political repression. pic.twitter.com/u5lcFxN0Ao
— IU on Strike (@IUonStrike) April 27, 2024
Hundreds showed up to protest @WashU's ties to @Boeing amid the war in Gaza today.
— Brian Munoz (@brianmmunoz) April 28, 2024
Now, as @erjlee documents, mass arrests have begun by campus and local police. Stay tuned to @stlpublicradio for more soon. pic.twitter.com/kmt2UQb4XZ
The naive student who sits with a guitar in a protest for Hamas with a Hezbollah flag - that is the essence of the whole matter. They have no idea what crazy terrorist groups they are supporting. They think it's Woodstock. pic.twitter.com/rQnHxO9Kqd
— Total (@total80918) April 28, 2024